Frequently asked questions

At Agile Styling, we use 16 seasons color analysis and color palettes.

For all packages and consultations the analysis is done manually by Julia Dobkine based on your picture (instructions will be sent to you) or in person.

VIP sessions: during the Personal Colors Masterclass Consultation, Julia will walk you through the process and the result, show you good vs bad colors and full consultation with personalized recommendations for hair, makeup, clothing, and jewelry.

Please, explore a full list of our services here.

For detailed prices, please visit our shop here.

The Color Analysis is done manually by Julia and is 100% accurate. Sometimes we choose certain colors just because they make us feel good emotionally, but not necessarily look good on us. Often, it is hard to see ourselves from a different image perspective.

Our basic packages don’t include visual color comparisons and don’t include any further explanations and recommendations. During our standard and VIP consultations, we show “bad” vs “good” colors and it creates a logical picture and understanding of your undertone and palette. Check out our Online Personal Colors Masterclass Consultation.

Once you submit the purchase you will be contacted to book your appointment within 5 business days. The consultation booking waiting time is up to 3 months now.

The color swatch wallet is not sold on its own and cannot be ordered separately from Online Personal Colors Masterclass Consultation OR In-person Personal Colors Masterclass Consultation.

Unfortunately, at this moment, we do not sell any Color Analysis tools.

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